Home My Events - CTD IHWO Director’s Conference – London 2023


Mag 07 - 10 2023


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IHWO Director’s Conference – London 2023

The theme for the IH Directors’ Conference 2023 is Evolution.

We will be organising the conference into sub themes of

  • Digital Innovation
  • Workforce Evolution
  • Marketing
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and Wellbeing
  • Environmental Sustainability

7 Commenti

  1. Darleen Willinger

    Your posts are a testament to the power of real storytelling; it keeps me engaged.

  2. Janean Bessone

    Your blog has quickly become my preferred destination for motivation. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  3. Camie Buckle

    You’ve tackled a complicated topic and made it easy to understand. Well done!

  4. Clifton Kornblatt

    This is precisely what I was searching for; thanks for sharing this valuable insights.

  5. Shaina Mihaliak

    I love how your post is structured; it maintains interest from start to finish.

  6. Merrill Cimorelli

    Your posts are a testament to the power of authentic storytelling; it keeps me returning.

  7. Ervin Kinnare

    This post reinforced me of some important lessons I had forgotten.

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